The culture of the workplace is changing before our eyes, and it’s not necessarily for the better. A modest investment in health and wellbeing art for the workplace can change that.
Employees are dealing with unprecedented levels of stress, and employers must find new ways to maintain productivity and keep moral up. The reality is that the factors that are making people anxious right now can also result in a loss of business income.
Below are a few questions to help you determine the seriousness of the situation in your business:
Has employee productivity taken a hit?
Is staff morale at an all-time low?
Are you paying more in sick leave?
Have you noticed a rise in mental health issues amongst staff?
Are your growth margins dwindling?
Are you slowly losing key staff?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, you are not alone. I have a solution that can aid in solving these issues and get your business back on track without breaking the bank.
The Solution to the Problem can be hung on the wall
My name is Peter Dooley, Gallery director of Gallery Afrique, and I can help you to boost morale and show you why that should matter from a business perspective.
I am a photographer specializing in health and well-being orientated photography that delivers valuable benefits to companies and their employees.
In difficult times it’s essential that we think differently to be able to thrive. The solution lies beyond traditional 'return on investment' thinking.
We need to start thinking about the workplace environment and building on corporate cultures so that staff well-being and their work environment become our most valuable assets.
The secret to employee well-being may be as simple as the artwork on your walls.
The Benefits of Art in the Workplace Environment
Workspace Art, an Invaluable investment
In an article published by Forbes, Victor Lipman refers to the “valuable benefits that workspace art can bring to a corporate culture” as a “Return on Environment.”
“It's less about aesthetics and more about pride in one's environment. It shows management cares enough about the employee experience - and the customer experience - to have a thoughtfully maintained facility that people feel good about working in. Which to me is where Return on Environment starts becoming tangible.
Employees want to feel good about where they work. They want their physical location to be a source of pride, a comfortable work space that they enjoy working in.
Pride motivates. And that’s good business!"
Attract new clients by creating a fantastic first impression.
Recruit and Maintain top Industry Talent
Your staff has an enormous influence on the success of your business. And the world’s most successful entrepreneurs agree.
Building customer relationships is a popular topic in the business world, but even that starts with employee wellbeing.
“Everyone talks about building a relationship with your customer. I think you build one with your employees first.”
Angela Ahrendts, Senior Vice President at Apple
“Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them so they don’t want to.”
Richard Branson, Founder Virgin Atlantic Group
These statements carry a lot of meaning, but how can this be implemented? It all begins with a healthy, great-looking workplace!
These statements carry a lot of meaning, but how can this be implemented? It all begins with a healthy, great-looking workplace!
We all know that when skilled staff leave their jobs, businesses suffer. The environment that you create within the workspace can help you recruit and maintain top industry talent. Happy employees stay with you longer and will do whatever they can to be part of your success for their own pride and job security.
It’s not only possible to create a functional environment filled with the beauty of the natural world, but it can help you attract and maintain top talent. A great return on environment, is an invaluable investment in your company’s success!
Transform your Space
with Nature Art
Nature Art transforms an ordinary workspace into a healthy working environment and brings it back to life. What makes my art different is that it can be printed in oversized large format for maximum impact.
The raw beauty of these pieces enhance the first impression and lasting experience that is vital in creating a positive warm feeling in any contemporary space.
My photography consists of high-resolution images in medium and large-scale oversized format.
Aesthetic Experience
I focus on uncomplicated subject matter.
Familiar scenes of unspoilded, pristine landscapes work exceptionally well, especially in medium to large-scale artworks that are well positioned in the work space, for all to see.
The result is that it promotes a state of well-being, and delivers value far beyond its visual and aesthetic experience.
Art for work spaces must be either natural and realistic or it can be natural with a contemporary look and feel. Both have the same positive effect.
Complicated difficult-to-understand and chaotic abstract artwork is however, counter productive.
Neutral black and white works are a good choice. They add style and can reflect your brand values effectively, especially in the boardroom or meeting spaces exposed to clients.
Black and white artwork paired and framed with coloured matboards, are an effective and very stylish way of showcasing your corporate brand colour with the artwork.
Colour photographs also work well but colour phsycology must be taken into account when choosing your colour pallette as it has the ability to greatly influence the overall mood and create a positive desired effect.
Canva has done a lot of reserach into the use of colours in brands. They look closely at particular colour schemes that are associated with different sectors. Below is a summary of their findings:
White - Associated with purity, cleanliness, simplicity, hygiene, clarity and peace
Black - Associated with sophistication, glamour, dignity, power and stateliness
Red - Associated with activity, strength, excitement and stimulation
Orange - Associated with excitement, liveliness, energy and extroversion.
Blue - Associated with competence, intelligence, communication, trust, efficiency, duty and logic
Purple - Associated with luxury, authenticity, and quality
Brown - Associated with ruggedness, seriousness, nature and earthiness.
Green - Associated with nature, security and the outdoors
Source: Canva
Don’t Just Change their Environment, Involve Them in the Process
Choose an interactive collaboration method where staff are invited to become part of the selection process and align as a team on the choice of artwork that resonates with them.
Making them feel that you care about their opinion is very important. Remember that happy employees stay with you longer and will do whatever they can to be part of your success for their own pride and job security.